control GPRS shield from linux side of the arduino Yun

Is it possible to control a GPRS shield from the linux side of the yun. We have a requirement for data upload of a few kilo bytes per day and txt. Previously this has been successfully done from the Arduino side but for this project it would make more sense if it could be done from the linux side.

Any help is much appreciated.


You can either use a usb ftdi to talk via usb host with GPRS board or have a subprogram on the AVR side of the yun behave as a Serial port forwarder to pass bits between linux and gprs .

And thanks for the reply, Much appreciated.

I have a related question regarding the Arduino Yun shield. This shield does not have an SD card slot like the Arduino Yun does. Is the Yun shield able to access the SD card on say an SD card shield or data logger shield like the adafruit logger shield (via the bridge?) or is it necessary to use a flash drive via the USB host. I couldnt find much information related to this on the site.

Any help is much appreciated.
