Control LED strip from both Raspberry and RF controller

I want to control a 24v analog RGBW LED strip from both Raspberry and RF controller (one at a time). While wiring one or the other is straightforward, integrating the two methods is what's confusing me.

I've been told I can use 4 transistors to switch between the RF controller and Raspberry being in control, but I spent hours trying to figure out the wiring and came nowhere.

Having very little experience with electronics I would be forever grateful for a clarifying drawing.

You are in the wrong forum! This is the Arduino forum, NOT the Raspberry Pi forum.

It is not important if the device is Arduino or RPi. The circuit will be the same.

How does the RF part drives the LEDs? Active high or active low? What exactly you want? Possible scenarios:

  1. LEDs are on when either RPi or driver wants them on
  2. LEDs are on only if both RPi and driver wants them on
  3. RPi may take control and override the controller or leave it control the LEDs

@Smajdalf - may I ask you to fix my car (it does have an Arduino in it). It goes for exactly 32 miles then stops!

Section name :
Using ArduinoGeneral Electronics

See the 'using arduino' part? It does not say 'using any old thing I want'.

Scenario 1 is what I have in mind, though I guess option 3 will work for me too.

I'm not sure how to determine whether it's active high or low, but I have a multimeter at my disposal.

Each RGBW output outputs voltage in the range 0 to 24v. For example, the more blueish the color, the closer to 24v the Blue output is.

If you show schematic, code and exact description of the problem I will try to help you if I find it interesting.
This is really general electronic question and the solution may be used by anyone else possibly using Arduino, other MCU or just two independent LED drivers.

I expect LEDs should have one common "side" connected to GND or 24V and the other independently driven. Where is this "common" connected? In other words are the less common cathode or common anode?

Do you have some link to the driver?

This is the light strip that I'm using. Each LED lights up when I place the red probe on top and the black probe on the bottom of each LED solder joint (see above). I guess this makes it a common anode?

The driver is LEDFR6

This should provide the "wired or" for one LED color for your driver:
The "To controller" is where you connect the MOSFET Drain to the LED strip control line, the 24 V is aready connected, no need to modify (the LED represents all the LEDs in your strip of given color). You need a logic level MOSFET that is fully turned on by 3V3! You could also use a Darlington instead. Depending on the current the power dissipation may be limiting factor.

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