Control LED using both toggle switch and trigger switch

Hi, i am a brand new to this, and i am trying really hard working on control LED with both toggle switch and trigger switch. I got 2 LED attached to Pin 12 and 13, two toggle switches (one switch turn on for all the light and turn off all the light, the other is just turn on and off one LED only) and one trigger switch (which turn on all light when it's HIGH and turn off all light when it's LOW). I can get two toggle to works, but cannot get the trigger switch to work. When i released It will not turn off the lights. I have to used the toggle switch to turn if off. Can some pros help me with the code please "how to turn the light off after i release without interfere with other code of two toggle switches."

Here my code

#include <Bounce.h>

const int button2Pin = 2; // the number of the first pushbutton pin
const int button3Pin = 3; // the number of the first pushbutton pin
const int button4Pin = 4;
const int ledPin = 13; // the number of the LED pin
const int ledPin2 = 12;

// Variables will change:
int ledState = LOW;// the current state of the output pin
int ledState2 = LOW;
int lastButton2State = LOW; // the previous reading from the first push button pin
int lastButton3State = LOW; // the previous reading from the second push button pin

Bounce bouncer1 = Bounce(button2Pin,50); //setting up the debouncing for the first push button
Bounce bouncer2 = Bounce(button3Pin,50); //setting up the debouncing for the second push button

void setup() {
pinMode(button2Pin, INPUT);
pinMode(button3Pin, INPUT);
pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(ledPin2, OUTPUT);
pinMode(button4Pin, INPUT);

void loop() {

bouncer1.update ( ); // Update the debouncer for the first push button
bouncer2.update ( ); // Update the debouncer for the second push button

int value1 =; // Get the update value
int value2 =; // Get the update value

int reading1 = value1 == HIGH;
int reading2 = value2 == HIGH;

if (lastButton2State == HIGH && reading1 == LOW)
if (ledState == HIGH) {ledState = LOW;}
else {ledState = HIGH;}
digitalWrite(ledPin, ledState);

lastButton2State = reading1;

if (lastButton3State == HIGH && reading2 == LOW)
//if (ledState == HIGH) {ledState = HIGH;}
//else {ledState = HIGH;}
//digitalWrite(ledPin, ledState);
if (ledState2 == LOW || ledState == LOW) {
ledState2 = HIGH;
ledState = HIGH;
else {ledState2 = LOW;
ledState = LOW;

digitalWrite(ledPin2, ledState2);
// if(ledState == HIGH){ledState = LOW;}
//else {ledState = HIGH;}
digitalWrite(ledPin, ledState);
lastButton3State = reading2;

int reading3 = digitalRead(button4Pin);
if(reading3 == HIGH){

ledState = HIGH;
ledState2 = HIGH;
digitalWrite(ledPin, ledState);
digitalWrite(ledPin2, ledState2);



// Thanks for your help...

You have 2 LEDs and 2 buttons + 1 trigger. Right?

Does the button and trigger inputs go high when pressed or go low ?

When button1 is pressed you want both LEDs to toggle. Right ?
When button2 is pressed you want one of the two LEDs to turn ON/OFF. Right ?
When trigger pin you want both LEDs to toggle. Right ?

"You have 2 LEDs and 2 buttons + 1 trigger. Right?"
Yes, this is right

"Does the button and trigger inputs go high when pressed or go low ?"
toggle go high when pressed
trigger go high when released and go low when pressed all the way in. (This use for the door, when the door close, it pushed the trigger all the way in, this will turn off all the light in the room, and when it released it will turn on the light. When all the light come on, all the toggle switch will and cannot do anything. But when the trigger go to low, it will immediately turn off the light or wait for curtain amount of time to turn off. Then the two toggle switches come in with it function which one is turn off/on all the light (master on/off button) and the other turn off and on only one single LED(slave on/off button).)

When button1 is pressed you want both LEDs to toggle. Right ?
Yes, its toggle on/off for all light in the room
When button2 is pressed you want one of the two LEDs to turn ON/OFF. Right ?
Yes, one light, say like bathroom light
When trigger pin you want both LEDs to toggle. Right ?
when it released, it will turn all both light and when it pressed i will turn off all light and return the function turn on/off the light of both toggle switches.