control of the distance between two objects. (bluetooth+arduino).

Hi friends, help me, I need a suggestion, I'm newbie and I'm creating a project using Arduino. But at this stage, I'll need to run the control to know when two objects move away using Bluetooth. I just stopped at this step, I created a code in UNO to control this by creating a control bit, but it consumes a lot of power and will not be able to use it. I read something about scanning, page and query, and saw how to make a simpler type of control, but I do not know how to implement it in practice. I am using two arduino UNO together with 2 modules bluetooth 4.0 HM10. Thank you to anyone who knows how I do it. The function of this bluetooth is to just perform control if one object moves away from the other. Thanks a lot for the help!

The function of this bluetooth is to just perform control if one object moves away from the other.

You can't use bluetooth to determine the direction that the Arduinos move.

If you mean to do something on one Arduino when the other one goes offline or out of range, then the other one must keep saying "Here I am", and this one needs to record when it hears that, so that it can do whatever, when it hasn't heard "Here I am" recently enough.