I am an old (82) Ansi C and C++ programmer having made programs for embedded processors like 80C186EB and others, but new to the world of Arduino and Raspberry Pi.
I wonder if sombody would have the kindness to help me with some suggestions to with which Arduino items best would solve the following task:
Have a somewhat complicated control project running in C++ on an old PC with ISA sockets talking to the outer world through a specially made parallel I/F card. That is 8-bit messages to and from.
Want to run it on a newer PC via USB and need to make the I/F through this, either wired or with WIFI.
Further to this I want to make some wireless handheld control 'terminals', say 4 - 8 pcs to be able individually to communicate to and from the PC program to make commands and receive messages back dedicated to either terminal. We are talking about simple and short messages, transmission speed demands is in the low end. Suppose one Arduino USB connected to the PC, acting as the center of a star setup with the other handheld Arduinos, either of them communicate with the center, not with each other.
'Terminals' should have a little alfanumeric display, evt a few LED's and a 16 key keyboard, and of course the WIFI item.
Really prefer programming in C++ in stead of Python.
Anyway I shall be very happy for your suggestions to with what to solve this the simplest and smartest way, which I am convinced can be done with some Arduino boards. Can of course supply more details of the task if needed. Can of couse upload the solution when made.
Thank you in advance, Davidc