Control stepper motor

Hi guys, firstly i have to mention that im a beginer with this stuff so i will try to be as clear as i can. I want to control 2 bipolar(hybrid) motors with l293d or easydriver by pressing 2 buttons, for example when i press button 1 then the motor will spin in one direction till i pull back the button and if i press the other button then the motor will spin in the reverse direction till i stop the button. I don.t need precision ,speed or other things just to move motors in which way i need as long i need. I tried a lot of posts, tutorials and even tried to create a code but i don.t get it how to rotate continuasly... if somebody can help me i would rly apreciate. Thank you in advice!

If I understand correctly, you might be able to use a continuous rotation servo. The smaller ones can be run off of just an Arduino. Here is an example with instructions. If you have already purchased your steppers, I can't help, I have no experience, sorry!

I agree it is worth considering continuous rotation servos.

If you really do need to use stepper motors have a look at this Simple Stepper Code. You should be able to adapt it to make the motor run continuously.

Using a specialized stepper driver (such as a BigEasydriver) will be much better than using an L293 or L298. make sure to choose a driver that can comfortably supply the current required by your motor.

Stepper Motor Basics