Control Taranis plus RC transmitter from PC using Arduino

Hello all,
I am working on hobby project which include a quadcopter. I want to control my Taranis Plus transmitter from PC using Arduino Uno. I set my RC transmitter in slave/student mode and connected 3.5mm mono cable between trainer port and arduino D-10. I generate a PPM on D-10 by giving command from arduino IDE form PC.

It's not working. please point me to the right direction.

Does any part of it work in any way?

It's not working. please point me to the right direction.

Do you expect anyone else to know what 'not working' means ?

I am relatively new to arduino, but not new to rc. Your first issue is having your taranis in slave mode. As soon as you do that it does not transmit. The transmitter needs to be in master mode and allow student inputs(arduino). Hopefully that gives you a start to getting it going.

@Beerwiser: Yes, now I changed the settings and RC TX is in Master mode.

Do you expect anyone else to know what 'not working' means ?

I am using Mission Planner to get the current values of different channels from drone. In arduino IDE using serial monitor I set values of channels by changing the PPM generated by arduino. But in this case I don't see any change in values in mission planner when I change PPM.

I have got it working now. problem was I selected "DSC Buchse PPM In/Out" modus : lehrer/cppm then i changed it to lehrer/busche. i followed this tutorial

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It would be great if you make a video of how you did it :smiley:

Just be aware of the requirements in many countries covering the use of drones.
One being line of sight.
I.e. If one was to try to control a drone say from a pc console, using say an onboard camera for position awareness, chances are, line of sight by the controller would then be considered as zero.
Many of these requirements are not simply just things you should be aware of while flying but rather aviation law.