Control Two Motors in sync with an ESC?

Hi I am doing a project and trying to figure out how i can run two motors in sync. The issue is they use an esc. I figured how to control 1 motor with 1 esc but if i try to replicate the code so that I can run multiple on different pins it brakes and neither work. I am using the easy way which is use it like a servo and control it that way

Heres the code:

#include <Servo.h>

Servo esc; //Making the variable
Servo esc2;
int ControllerPin = A7; //This is for a 5 button controller
int ControllerValue; //For Reading the button value 0-1023
void setup()

void loop()

  ControllerValue = analogRead(ControllerPin); //Reading the controller pin and putting that value in ControllerValue
  Serial.print("Cont Val is: "); //For Monitoring
  Serial.println(ControllerValue); // Outputs The number when button is pressed

  if (ControllerValue <= 50) //Looking For leftbutton pressed. Only using it for control purposes
    esc.attach(9, 100, 100); //Attach to this pin and have two intergers. It doesnt work otherwise.
    esc.write(100); //Speed

  else if (ControllerValue >= 700 && ControllerValue <= 800) //this is the 5th button again i use for control
    esc.attach(9);//Attaches Again  
    delay(1); //this helps it to be stable
    esc.write(40);//This arms the esc after a little the esc disarms its self

    Serial.println("No Key");


Is there any other way to control an ESC? :slight_smile:

You attach the ESCs in the loop(). I usually see those being attached in the setup().
The code you posted only writes to 1 ESC.
Can we see the code you are using to try to work with 2 ESCs?

Side note, many ESCs require an arming sequence before they will supply power to the motor. Something like power up with the throttle at zero. Wait some time. Set the throttle at full and wait some time. Set the throttle back to zero.
Then the ESC will be armed.

Here is the code with two esc that ends up controlling 1

#include <Servo.h>

Servo esc; //Making the variable
Servo esc2;
int ControllerPin = A7; //This is for a 5 button controller
int ControllerValue; //For Reading the button value 0-1023
void setup()

void loop()

  ControllerValue = analogRead(ControllerPin); //Reading the controller pin and putting that value in ControllerValue
  Serial.print("Cont Val is: "); //For Monitoring
  Serial.println(ControllerValue); // Outputs The number when button is pressed

  if (ControllerValue <= 50) //Looking For leftbutton pressed. Only using it for control purposes
    esc.attach(9, 100, 100); //Attach to this pin and have two intergers. It doesnt work otherwise.
    esc.write(100); //Speed
    esc2.attach(10, 100, 100); //Attach to this pin and have two intergers. It doesnt work otherwise.
    esc2.write(100); //Speed

  else if (ControllerValue >= 700 && ControllerValue <= 800) //this is the 5th button again i use for control
    esc.attach(9);//Attaches Again  
    delay(1); //this helps it to be stable
    esc.write(40);//This arms the esc after a little the esc disarms its self
    esc2.attach(10);//Attaches Again  
    delay(1); //this helps it to be stable
    esc2.write(40);//This arms the esc after a little the esc disarms its self

    Serial.println("No Key");


Hey I Figured it out we are good to go

Thank You For the help you helped me relize what was wrong you were write i should put the attach in the setup cause when i did then both motors worked fine! Ian

If you can, post the working code for future references.

//Made By Ian Hickler
//I will update it on the forums when needed
//To control the esc you have to find the three wires that come off the esc(not the one that go to the motor! The ones that come out from where the positive and negative lines go in.)
//The white/yellow line is for data/pwm input connect that line to a pwm header(should look like a number with ~ that in the front) you then want to connect the ground (black wire) to a ground pin. Leave the red wire alone and do not bother to touch it as it can or will fry your arduino.
//For every esc attached you must use a pwm.
//This is for a button controller you will have to change the code as needed depending on what you are using.
#include <Servo.h> //include this libary

Servo esc; //Making the variable for the first esc
Servo esc2; //making the variable for the second esc
int ControllerPin = A7; //This is for a 5 button controller
int ControllerValue; //For Reading the button value 0-1023
void setup()
  esc.attach(9); //This shows the variable what pin to connect to for the first esc. Repeat the procces for each esc used. Dont forgot to add Servo theNameOfYourVariable; so that every esc has its own variable

void loop()

  ControllerValue = analogRead(ControllerPin); //Reading the controller pin and putting that value in ControllerValue
  Serial.print("Cont Val is: "); //For Monitoring
  Serial.println(ControllerValue); // Outputs The number when button is pressed

  if (ControllerValue <= 50) //Looking For leftbutton pressed. Only using it for control purposes
    esc.write(100); //Telling the esc to run the motor at 100 Speed 85-180 will work any less than 85 will not arm the motor and not turn. Anything above 180 wont affect speed already hit max speed at 180


  else if (ControllerValue >= 700 && ControllerValue <= 800) //this is the 5th button again i use for control
    esc.write(40);//This arms the esc but will not turn motor on

    Serial.println("No Key");


Hi Ian.

Which part of the program says that the motors are synchronized ?