Control using android phone via Bluetooth

Hey guys, am working on an android phone enabled control system to turn on and off lights.
Basically am using an android phone, ardudroid app, BT module , arduino and relays. I got some code online below, but it seems not to fuction properly.

int LED = 12;
char input;

void setup()
pinMode(LED, OUTPUT );
Serial.println( " >> START << ");

void loop()
if(Serial.available()>0 )

input =;

Serial.println(" ON ");
digitalWrite(LED , HIGH);
else if (input == '0')
Serial.println( " OFF ");
digitalWrite (LED, LOW );
Serial.println(" NO RESULT ");

Using the code above, the LED goes on for all numbers sent apart from zero yet i want the LED to go on when i send only one number say one.

Can any one help me make the necessary changes? Thanks

Please read. How to use this forum - please read. - Installation & Troubleshooting - Arduino Forum

Also, you haven't said, in what way it doesn't work properly.

Echo what you are reading. Are you reading what you think you are?