Control your ledstrips by Talking to them

Hi there,

I wanted to share with you my latest project.

The first step was to attach some ledstrips with power transistor my my Attiny85 and control them with buttons.

Step 2 was when I attached a Bluetooth adapter to the Attiny85 and made a small app for my Android Phone. This way I could control the ledstrips with my Android Phone.

And in the last step I modified the App so that I can actually talk to my phone and thatb translates it to controlling the ledstrip.

So when I say 'blue' to my phone the ledstrip turns blue. When I say 'red' the ledstrip turns red.

This can off course be used for many different projects and not only for controlling a ledstrip. But the ledstrip is at this moment a complete finished project.

Hey, how cool is it to command a domotic system by talking to it......

You can find all details at my weblog:

Have fun.
Luc Volders