bonjour, j'ai suivi ce tutoriel : Amazing Control Computer Using Hand Motion and Arduino et avec du temps et de l'aide sur ce forum j'ai réussi à le contrôler !
Maintenant voilà, j'aimerai créer un espace vidéo interactif où la vidéo se met en pause quand on est à moins d'un mettre d'elle et se remet en route une fois dépassé cette zone. Si vous avez des idées je suis preneur ! voilà mon code python :
import serial #Serial imported for Serial communication
import time #Required to use delay functions
import pyautogui #Required to to perform actions
ArduinoSerial = serial.Serial('com3',9600) #Create Serial port object called arduinoSerialData
time.sleep(2) #wait for 2 seconds for the communication to get established
while 1:
incoming = str (ArduinoSerial.readline()) #read the serial data and print it as line
if 'Play/Pause' in incoming:
pyautogui.typewrite(['space'], 0.2)
if 'Rewind' in incoming:
pyautogui.hotkey('ctrl', 'left')
if 'Forward' in incoming:
pyautogui.hotkey('ctrl', 'right')
if 'Volume Incresaed' in incoming:
pyautogui.hotkey('ctrl', 'down')
if 'Volume Decreased' in incoming:
pyautogui.hotkey('ctrl', 'up')
incoming = "";
et mon code arduino :
const int trigger1 = 2; //Trigger pin of 1st Sesnor
const int echo1 = 3; //Echo pin of 1st Sesnor
const int trigger2 = 4; //Trigger pin of 2nd Sesnor
const int echo2 = 5;//Echo pin of 2nd Sesnor
long time_taken;
int dist,distL,distR;
void setup() {
pinMode(trigger1, OUTPUT);
pinMode(echo1, INPUT);
pinMode(trigger2, OUTPUT);
pinMode(echo2, INPUT);
/*###Function to calculate distance###*/
void calculate_distance(int trigger, int echo)
digitalWrite(trigger, LOW);
digitalWrite(trigger, HIGH);
digitalWrite(trigger, LOW);
time_taken = pulseIn(echo, HIGH);
dist= time_taken*0.034/2;
if (dist>60)
dist = 60;
void loop() { //infinite loopy
distL =dist; //get distance of left sensor
distR =dist; //get distance of right sensor
//Pause Modes -Hold
if ((distL >40 && distR>40) && (distL <60 && distR<60)) //Detect both hands
{Serial.println("Play/Pause"); delay (500);}
distL =dist;
distR =dist;
//Control Modes
//Lock Left - Control Mode
if (distL>=13 && distL<=17)
delay(100); //Hand Hold Time
distL =dist;
if (distL>=13 && distL<=17)
Serial.println("Left Locked");
distL =dist;
if (distL<10) //Hand pushed in
{Serial.println ("Volume Increased"); delay (300);}
if (distL>20) //Hand pulled out
{Serial.println ("Volume Decreased"); delay (300);}
//Lock Right - Control Mode
if (distR>=13 && distR<=17)
delay(100); //Hand Hold Time
distR =dist;
if (distR>=13 && distR<=17)
Serial.println("Right Locked");
distR =dist;
if (distR<10) //Right hand pushed in
{Serial.println ("Rewind"); delay (300);}
if (distR>20) //Right hand pulled out
{Serial.println ("Forward"); delay (300);}