Controlling 2 8x8 LED with Max7219

So I admit I am a little nervous about coding an arduino to any extent. I was hoping the experts could look at the code and see if there is something I am missing? This is my first attempt to light up these two 8x8 grids, and I want to make sure I am not going to break any hardware with the code. I do not have my hardware as of yet, I thought I would attempt to get a jump on the code.

#include "binary.h"  //Use this include for writing a byte in binary
#include "LedControl.h"//Use this include for controling LED's

LedControl lc=LedControl(12,11,10,2); /// Arduino data pin,clock pin,device selecting pin, number of max7219's

void setup() {
lc.shutdown(0,false); // Turn off shutdown
lc.setIntensity(0,5); // Set the intensity ... first device to 5
lc.setIntensity(1,5); // Set the brightness ... second device 5


void loop() {
lc.setRow(0,0,B10110101); // First row of LED's...first max7219
lc.setRow(1,0,B10101000); // First row of LED's...second max7219

lc.setRow(0,1,B11010101); // Second row of LED's...first max7219
lc.setRow(1,1,B10101000); // Second row of LED's...second max7219

lc.setRow(0,2,B10101101); // Third row of LED's...first max7219
lc.setRow(1,2,B01011000); // Third row of LED's...second max7219

lc.setRow(0,3,B10101101); // Fourth row of LED's...first max7219
lc.setRow(1,3,B01101000); // Fourth row of LED's...second max7219

lc.setRow(0,4,B10110101); // Fifth row of LED's...first max7219
lc.setRow(1,4,B01101000); // Fifth row of LED's...second max7219

lc.setRow(0,5,B10110101); // Sixth row of LED's...first max7219
lc.setRow(1,5,B10101000); // Sixth row of LED's...second max7219


Thanks in advance for taking the time.

If you wire the hardware correctly no code will break it. You just won't see anything if the code is wrong.

(Having said that, if you don't see anything, turn it off fairly quickly, just in case).

I have some stuff about the MAX7219 here:

Well I am glad I won't break anything with the code. Thanks again for the link,,, I actually ordered two of that very same starter kit. The info on the link is priceless, it will make connecting hardware so much easier. I am going to code four of those "binary groups" with different patterns of course, 12 different ways, giving me a total of 28 different patterns. I hope the arduino has enough memory.
Thank you very much once again.

On that page was a 8x8 bit font, so yes you should be able to store 28 patterns. Use PROGMEM like I did to save copying those into RAM, which you have less of.

I think Max7219 is a hoot to play with.
And when you get tired typing 1010101010101 try hex "system", than you be an expert!

Well I got the code built anyways..and size was 13010, all I gotta do now is attach a piece of code for a 7 segment display... then I am good... As far as PROGMEM that looks confusing, I will have to research that.. but it kind of reminds me of address programming when I was in electronics school,, way back...
I am still waiting for my hardware too.... I will keep updating when it comes in.
Vaclav, Hexidecimal is,,, well a good challenge... LOL When I am more efficient at coding maybe I will give it a try.

Hardware came in today,,, merry christmas to me ;)... so build test, then attempt PROGMEM..which still looks confusing. The led grids were much smaller then I expected, though Gammon is correct again, they do not sit on a bread board... i can make it work with two breadboards, for testing. I will keep everyone posted.