Controlling 24v 73a motor


I am upgrading a motor from 12v to 24v that I am currently controlling with an Arduino. I am currently controlling it with a PWM motor controller and would like to stay there. I am not able to find a system for controlling a larger amperage motor with more voltage. The upgrade is because the gearbox upgrade I did isn't working successfully.

Thank you in advance.

Items read:

24V at 73A is 1.7 kW, so look for a motor controller than can handle at least 2 kW (better, 3 kW).

My Google-foo is failing me. I have tried searching for a couple of hours now. I came across flipsky controls and 3kw brushless dc bldc motor speed controller.

None of them look like they can support the voltage or the amps. I am finding either high 70v or 24v low amps.

I am not sure the keywords I should be after.

Maybe you should solve that problem, rather than buy a much higher power motor than required.

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Something like this?

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