Controlling 3 LED strips with one Nano


Hello everyone! This is my first project with LED’s and Arduino’s. I want to preface that I am brand new with 2 days of research so go easy on me.

I am looking to make a lamp with 3 separate LED strips, a white 6500k, a white 3500k, and an IR Red strip. This lamp mimics time of day.

I want to use an Arduino Nano or a Seeed Xiao as having a small form factor is important.

Each strip does not have to be led addressable as I will only fading the output between strips as the time changes.

I know I need an RTC module for the time input

Question: How could I control 3 LED strips with a nano or micro arduino to mimic the sun, switching between strips based on the time of day in a small form factor?

I am not asking for coding instructions as I can learn that on my own, would anyone know how to make a schematic for this or lead me to a good resource for doing this?

EDIT: I came up with this design, would there be a problem with this?

The random Qualteck adapter at the top is just the USB plug-in.

For non-addressable strips use a MOSFET driver for each strip. Choose a "logic level" MOSFET that can handle the current (amps or milliamps) of the strip. You can leave-out the diode since you have a non-inductive load.

PWM (analogWrite() ) will "pass through" the driver and allow dimming.

3 output pins and analogWrite() for dimming-transitioning between strips or digitalWrite() for on/off.

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