Controlling 3 motors wirelessly using arduino

Hi All,
I am completely new to arduino, but I am working on a project that requires 3 motors to be controlled wirelessly (using a web interface) am I right in thinking I can use an Arduino Ethernet board for the main processing and then adding a motor shield to control the actual motors? The motor shield can only control 2 DC motors, so can I connect 2 to the main board?
Or is there a better way of controlling the motors?

Thanks in Advance

The motor shield can only control 2 DC motors, so can I connect 2 to the main board?

There are dozens of motor shields. Which shield do YOU have/plan to use?

I was looking at the Arduino Motor Shield Rev 3, can you recommend another one that could be used for this project? I don't have one at the moment, I'm trying to make sure it would all work together before purchasing

There is a motor driver board that supports three motors - it's not a shield and would be connected by wires rather than installing onto the Arduino header pins. Whether this was suitable for you would depend on the voltage and current requirements of your motors.