Controlling 30 LEDs with one Arduino?

A while back I saw an article on how to daisy chain LEDs using a bread board. Of course, now that I need it I can't find it. Anyone knows how to daisy chain multiple LEDs? I need to control about 30 LEDs individually. Any other suggestions on how to easily control that many LEDs?

I have a Duemilanova.


Use two Texas Instruments TLC5940s! The chips allow you to control the intensity of 16 LEDs per chip. Theres a library for controlling them but if you get stuck, just ask.


How would I go about that? I have very basic skills.

You could start by heading to the page and going into the Reference section followed by clicking the Libraries link. That page has a link to the TLC5940 library that was suggested to you and includes a handy link to the manufacturer's datasheet for learning more about the part.

Why add 2 extra IC's when you can drive 30 LEDs off 11 I/O lines as an LED matrix?

It's discussed in the playground here. Arduino Playground - DirectDriveLEDMatrix

You just need to electronically arrange your LEDs as a grid, but they don't have to be physically arranged like that.

Check the Shift out tutorial and code on the main site.
You will be able to drive 32 LED with 4 74HC595's or equivalent.

It's pretty straight forward, I went from complete newbie to a working breadboard circuit in about 4 hours, with the help from the tutorial.

Thanks. Still wondering where that daisy-chain article went, but these are all good solutions. ?