Hey guyz, can you help me by giving the codes for both transmitter as well as receiver.
No. That's your job.
Put the Arduinos away for a while, and get your wife/mother/little brother/drunken friend to help you.
Figure out what you need to tell the other person to have that person understand which servo to rotate, by how much. Then, get the receiver Arduino out, and modify it to get the necessary data from the packet sent.
Then, get the transmitter Arduino out, and make it send an appropriate packet.
You might, for instance, tell your helper "Move servo 3 to position 46, now". Or you might simplify that to "<3:45>". We have no idea what you will decide.
You might decide, for instance, that every packet will contain 4 values, for each of the 4 servos, like "Move to fortyfive, seventeen, twentysix, and one hundred seventeen, please". Or "<45, 17, 26, 117>".
Each packet format could be parsed, and the data used. Some packets are easier to parse and use than others. Some have complete data for all 4 servos. Some have data for only one servo.
YOU must decide which format to use, or come up with something else.