Controlling 6 Temperature Sensors - Is this Possible?

Is it possible to run the following from one Arduino and have it connect to my wireless router 5.0ghz wireless (or 2.4ghz)?

4x MAX31865, - PT100 RTD temp sensors
1x MAX31856 - K type temp sensor
1x BME280 - Environment sensor

I was looking at an ESP32 but I think I would have to have one per sensor. Is there a simpler way?

Thanks in advance for the advice!

You can run all of them on one Arduino. One of the ESP devices would probably be better as they generally have WiFi built in. Put together a simple annotated schematic and we will take a look and let you know.

Thank you for the reply. I have been trying to figure this out with no luck.

Can someone please tell me how to wire this up?

MAX31865 -> ESP32-WROOM-32
3V3 -> [N/A]?
CLK -> PIN 35??? SCK GPIO18 V_SPI_CLK ???
SDO -> 
SDI -> 
CS  -> PIN22 ???  CS GPIO2 ADC2_2 HSPI_WP Touch2
RDY ->

Check the supplier they have that information on their website.

I bought it on amazon. When I google ESP-WROOM-32 I come up with this link ESP32 DevKit ESP32-WROOM GPIO Pinout |

I am unsure where to connect pins CLK, SDO, SDI, and CS on the ESP32

have a look at ESP32 pin usage
looks like the MAX31865 and MAX31856 use SPI - each would require a seperate CS chip select pin
BME280 could use I2C?
do a web search for MAX31865 arduino - should give you example code

Thank you for the response. So when I look at this image

I see GPIO15 - HSPI CS0
and I also see

What is the difference between HSPI and VSPI?

have a look at ESP32 SPI Communication

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