Controlling a brushed motor with ESC

Hi there, i am new here, please advise, thank you.
i am having a problem now, i have a electronic speed control (ESC) and a Brushed motor, and ardupilotmega board. i wanted to control the speed of the motor using the ESC however i cant due the the lack of relevance knowledge, i tried downloading the servo knob programme from the servo library and connect the motor as required. however the motor does not respond as expected. can anyone advise me on where went wrong? or what are the possible solutions? :-[ :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

Firstly this is in completely the wrong forum subsection.

however the motor does not respond as expected. can anyone advise me on where went wrong?

How does it respond?

What ESC? How have you connected it up?


i m sorry. it's my first time using forum. Under which subsection should it be?

my ESC is SU/E 10S. and my arduino program is 0018.
i connect the the ground wire to ground pin of ardupilot mega board, red wire to +5V and singal wire to output pin 7 of the board. i pumped in 7.5 V into the battery wires of the ESC. I use one of the examples ( sweep ) from the servo lib to run the motor but the motor didn't respond at all. I was told the ESC needs to be armed. How can i test it to know at what position it arms? Should i use PWM or PPM to run the ESC ?

Thank you very much for your help.


i m sorry. it's my first time using forum. Under which subsection should it be?

The hardware interfacing page would be most appropriate.

What voltage is the motor? I presume 7.5V is enough.

As I understand it, PWM is normally used. Does the ESC have a datasheet to tell you what pulse lengths are at the limits?


i have reposted my question under hardware interfacing. The below is the link

I tested out in a different way, and i mentioned it in my question there.

I don't have a datasheet for my ESC coz i got it from one of my friends and he also can't provide me with enough information.
But i think the maximum current for my ESC should be 10mA.

Thank you very much.