Hello everyone. This is my first post here but I've done a lot of reading on the forums.
I'm making an electronics controller for motorcycle lights, ignition, and etc. I've got the programming and what not sorted (for now) and am trying to get my components sorted for high-power switching (headlights, and what not particularly).
The Infineon BTS6133D boasts a lot of features that sound good for my application (these PROFETS are made for automotive power switching). What I am having trouble with is determining how to turn on or off the PROFET by using outputs from the Arduino Nano and without using a mechanical relay (trying to stay with solidstate because of the shaky motorcycle environment).
Here is the PROFET datasheet: http://www.infineon.com/dgdl/Infineon-BTS6133D-DS-v01_00-en.pdf?folderId=db3a304412b407950112b408e8c90004&fileId=db3a3043183a955501186061f99d3666&ack=t
The PROFET would like to be grounded at pin 2 in order to turn its output on. I'm not sure by looking at the datasheet, but it appears that the input would only flow 1.4-2.2 mA? If so, would I be able to wire directly to the arduino somehow? I don't think this is particularly difficult, I'm just straining my limited knowledge here.