I wish to make a project based on a LED matrix display (specifically the Red LED Dot Matrix Display for Arduino - datasheet attached) wherein the array is controlled LED by LED, in an animated way. But I'm really confused as to what hardware is needed and how to wire it up.
Currently I have Arduino Uno R3s aplenty (as in, 9 of them). Is that a suitable board to control the LED display? There are wires, breadboards, power supplies etc. on-hand. Are there any other Arduino boards or chips required for this project?
If anyone has a schematic and Sketch for a similar project, that would be much appreciated. I think that once I get the wiring done and a single LED blinking, I can work it out from there.
Please let me know if I'm thinking about this all wrong. Especially if you can suggest the right way to approach it.
TL;DR I am truly a newbie at this. Previously I've only completed a single project, and that was a close adaptation of one I got off the Jaycar site (where I got the LED array) which included both a schematic and the initial Sketch (which was then adapted to get the effect required).
XC4621-dataSheetMain.pdf (765 KB)