Hey you all does en y one have en y suggestions on hop to do this and a cheap way
it is for my school robot
Hey you all does en y one have en y suggestions on hop to do this and a cheap way
it is for my school robot
It depends on what kind of motors.
Dc motors?
You have to give us more info.
Oh sorry about that
i am using a DC 6v Motor
and i want to be able to control it from the computer i have a mac so that i can control the robot i know how to control the servo with the arduino.
Okay you're going to want to look into something called an h-bridge.
This will allow you to control the speed and direction of a motor.
You can make one yourself, or buy an IC.
Here is an example IC that contains 2 h-bridges, convenient for driving a two-wheeled robot:
Do a google search for h bridges and arduino; I'm sure you'll find a tutorial.
okey thanks
here is something i found do you think this will work
Yep that should work.
But the tlc5940 is unnecessary.
That chip is a 16 channel multiplexer, basically giving you extra pins. Unless you need all the extra pins, it will work fine with simply arduino digital pins.
This tutorial may be useful.
The one difference between the tutorial and what you personally have to do is the part about the power jumper. Newer arduinos do not have these.
Okey thanks for your help