Hello all
I am building a microtonal controller and was considering using 9850s as oscillators (nothing else has the resolution I need, {def not the arduino TONE()} ). Have some concerns about latency. Any idea how much lag there would be between a button press and hearing a tone ?
Many Thanks
AD9850 is designed to provide HF sine wave.
Although it may go down to audio, I'm not sure it is really suited to such use. I've no exprience with such low frequency, but it seems you will use it in a bad range.
You should probably try to find LF or audio wave generator.
This link could probably give you some hint.
Have fun.
With regular arduino UNO you can get in 10 usec, about 1000x times faster than your skin receptors report you have pressed a button. ad9850-based-sinewave-generator
The frequency output of 9850/51 depends on the 32bit frequency tuning word and the reference oscillator frequency. For example with 4MHz canned oscillator you get
4.000.000/2^32*tuning_word = 931uHz per tuning bit
You have to calculate the tuning word (with 64bit integers) and then shift the tuning word out via SPI (5bytes). So you may estimate how large is the latency.