Controlling alot of LED's within car and having them bright?

I've posted a few times, and every time i keep thinking, it's possible with an arduino for sure, but how reliable will it be?
So i'm basically creating a light system that'll fit inside my headlights on my car, and fog lights, foot wells etc.

Now i can buy most of this premade, but it's pricey and also will mean i'll have 4-5 IR remotes and use an app that barely works (from the reviews on play store) to control the lights. - I'm building my own controller app.

Here's one example of purchased versions:
My absolute main concern with building my own version is heat, i don't know how to keep the LED's cool, or even if they should be allowed to get hot. I'd like to have them as running lights, so they are white when my car is on (bare in mind that could be a few hours every now and again), and any colour i want when my car isn't on.

I ran an LED strip for about 10 mins on full brightness, and it was really hot. Also how reliable are the ardiuno parts? If i install the ring into the car headlight, i don't want to have to split it open again because the bulbs have broken...

I'm mainly just looking for some thoughts on this!

Or are there any LED rings/strips that are better suited for heat and full brightness? There must be some degree of it as the pre-built ones i'm looking at are able to run at full brightness for a long time.

It feels like you will be lucky to get much specific advice on what to purchase on this thread.

General advice would be to keep leds as cool as you can. Heat reduces the life span of leds. Attach them to heatsinks of some kind of you can.

Also, run your leds at 80% Max power. It won't make much difference to the apparent brightness (human eye is not linear) but might significantly increase led life.