Controlling an 8x8 Triple Color RGB common Anode LED Matrix

I am trying to control an 8x8 Triple Color RGB common Anode LED Matrix.

I have looked for a direction to start for this project, and found nothing useful.

I was wondering if anyone could lend any useful guidance as to how to get this up and running.

Thank you!


  1. At this point can you make one pixel work?
  2. Have tried a websearch (e.g. "Arduino RGB matrix")?

Yes I have tried researching before I came here, but nothing seems to make sense to me.

How about an answer to the first question?

Don't know how to.

What is your Arduino competency?
Have you had an LED blinking with it yet?
Do you have a breadboard and a supply of jumpers?
Do you have any resistors?
Do you have a datasheet for your matrix or a link for that information?

What is your Arduino competency? - Well versed
Have you had an LED blinking with it yet? - Yes
Do you have a breadboard and a supply of jumpers? - Yes
Do you have any resistors? - Yes
Do you have a datasheet for your matrix or a link for that information? - Yes


Well versed.

It will take more than an Uno and a few simple components to really get it going.
As presented, the rows are anodes and the columns are the color determining cathodes.
It should be easy enough, and educational, to get a column (or part of one) running simply.
If you connect your matrix thus:
pin 17 to D8
pin 9 to D9 through a 330ohm resistor
pin 28 to D10 through a 330ohm resistor
pin 1 to D11 through a 330ohm resistor

byte ROW0 = 8;
//byte ROW1 = 12;
//byte ROW2 = 7;
//byte ROW3 = 4;
byte REDK = 9;   // pwm
byte GRNK = 10;  // pwm
byte BLUK = 11;  // pwm
byte change_idx;
void setup()
  pinMode (ROW0, OUTPUT);
  digitalWrite (ROW0, HIGH);
  pinMode (REDK, OUTPUT);
  digitalWrite (REDK, HIGH);
  pinMode (GRNK, OUTPUT);
  digitalWrite (GRNK, HIGH);
  pinMode (BLUK, OUTPUT);
  digitalWrite (BLUK, HIGH);
void loop()
  analogWrite (REDK, 0);  // red full on
  analogWrite (REDK,255); // red off
  analogWrite(GRNK, 0);   // green full on
  analogWrite(GRNK, 255); // green off
  analogWrite(BLUK, 0);   // blue full on
  analogWrite(BLUK, 255); // blue off
  analogWrite(GRNK, 100);  
  analogWrite(REDK, 100);
  analogWrite(GRNK, 255);
  analogWrite(REDK, 255);
  analogWrite(BLUK, 150);  
  analogWrite(REDK, 100); 
  analogWrite(BLUK, 255);
  analogWrite(REDK, 255);  

should get things going on pixel 1 (a/k/a "pixel 0")
Red, Green, Blue, Yellow and Magenta.
It's hard to predict the colors, as current and pwm value affect brightness. You will have to try different values for the Yellow and Magenta (purple, whatever) blends.
Since the analogWriting is on the cathodes - 0 is full on and 255 is off.

Yes I have tried researching before I came here, but nothing seems to make sense to me.

Pick one and ask questions about it.
[Well versed.]