Hello Open Sourcers,
I would like to control an ISD1932
with an ADXL335.
So that when the unit it upright it plays and when it is tilted 90degrees in any direction it records.
So far I have followed the tutorial that explains how to get readings from the accelerometer.
The problem comes when I try to control an LED with an IF/ELSE statement regarding the X axis.
The LED constantly stays on with my current code and I'm not sure why.
Reads an Analog Devices ADXL3xx accelerometer and communicates the
acceleration to the computer. The pins used are designed to be easily
compatible with the breakout boards from Sparkfun, available from:
The circuit:
analog 0: accelerometer self test
analog 1: z-axis
analog 2: y-axis
analog 3: x-axis
analog 4: ground
analog 5: vcc
created 2 Jul 2008
by David A. Mellis
modified 30 Aug 2011
by Tom Igoe
This example code is in the public domain.
// these constants describe the pins. They won't change:
const int groundpin = 18; // analog input pin 4 -- ground
const int powerpin = 19; // analog input pin 5 -- voltage
const int xpin = A3; // x-axis of the accelerometer
const int ypin = A2; // y-axis
const int zpin = A1; // z-axis (only on 3-axis models)
const int ledPin = 13;
void setup()
// initialize the serial communications:
// Provide ground and power by using the analog inputs as normal
// digital pins. This makes it possible to directly connect the
// breakout board to the Arduino. If you use the normal 5V and
// GND pins on the Arduino, you can remove these lines.
pinMode(groundpin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(powerpin, OUTPUT);
digitalWrite(groundpin, LOW);
digitalWrite(powerpin, HIGH);
pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT);
void loop()
// print the sensor values:
// print a tab between values:
// print a tab between values:
if (xpin < 500)
digitalWrite(ledPin, HIGH);
if (xpin > 500)
digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW);
// delay before next reading:
Thanks in advance for your help.