I have an Arduino project that has been ongoing for a couple of months. To summarize my project I can say that me and my friends designed an electric vehicle for rough terrains. We have built most of our system but we have been wondering ways to communicate to the Arduino while it operates. We have two inputs that are determined by us for our system to operate on our desired velocity value and a few data retrieved from our encoders and accelerometer. To sum up we need a component that can be manipulated by our PC and can send data to us for monitoring.
0-15 meters of connection distance is required. I have seen examples of bluetooth and wifi modules on the forum but the examples that I have seen are commonly projects with controller boards that are connected to PC. The difference between our project and the others is that our Arduino Mega is mounted on a vehicle so we can not use it with cable.
if you have good WiFi coverage in the area try using a ESP-01 ESP8266 based WiFi module
it could run a WebServer which the PC could connect too using a WevClient to issue commands, e.g. have a look at esp32-web-server-slider-pwm