Hi ,
I am targeting to controll an arduino Uno robot using internet , i.e, by creating a html page and wifi not with an app. So ,for this and I am thinking that I can do this with the help of esp8266. Is this can be achieved or I need to take a different route? Ultimately I need to control my robot using an html page.Can somebody please advise here?
There are some examples of web server /client about which you can search which will give you a starter for this .
You might be able to use the 8266 to do the whole job or a wi fi card for the UNO . I would search out the examples for both types and see what you like
I can’t recall but there are probably examples for both when you install the libraries for the card or 8266.
Note there are also some Arduino
IOT devices about which you might like
Have a play , good luck !
Hi @hammy , thanks for your response.I will search and pastes some links here for server/client examples using arduino uno and esp8266. Please let me know which will be working out.
Just be careful to handle ‘exceptions’ if the network connection is slow or broken…
Of course non-blocking is the first rule, but I personally would use one processor for the robot control, and a separate cpu to handle all the cooks separately.
Ok @lastchancename , Thanks . Will watchout for those.
Sounds good - get something like a WeMOS D1 Mini and just retire the inconvenient UNO.
You need to try and decide for yourself !!
Look at the AP_webserver example in the WiFi Nina library. You can’t use that example directly with the esp8266, but you can see how it sends commands back and forth by reading the GET statement. With some effort you can use that method with the esp8266.
Check out my previous post. The arduino one uses the esp8266 to serve up a web page and control the robot
Hi @studiogamma , Thanks for your references.I will look into it. Can I use esp32-s and program it for controlling 3 dc motors using internet ? This is because I came to know that esp32-s itself has both mictocontroller with the wifi feature.Can you please suggest me among 8266 and 32s , which is the best approach?which can be achievable?
The esp8266 has its limitations. I personally think your easiest option will be the Arduino Uno WiFi , then you can use the WifiNina libraries which have good examples.
Hi @studiogamma , by searching the board I got this
Generic Wemos D1 Wifi Uno Esp12E Based Esp8266 Shield For Arduino Compatible https://www.amazon.in/dp/B01LWYEB4F/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apan_i_PZMP0NZMSGW9A74DBKBB?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
Can you please confirm if the board that you are mentioning is the above the same one? is it the different one? Sorry for these things,as I am a begginer I am asking these kind of things.
No, I was referring to the Arduino Uno WiFi Rev2. It’s available on this website arduino.cc go to the top and click store, then boards.
Trouble is, it costs something like ten times the price of the WeMOS D1 Mini. And I would dispute
Uno + esp8266 is a fine solution, the only problem I had with it was if the webpage I was serving got too big, it would stop working.
Ok @studiogamma , thanks a lot for your points.I would like to go with uno + esp8266. My webpage is not as big that it stops working I believe. I will post my progress here further.
But my point is that once you have the ESP8266, you really no longer need the UNO.
Hi @Paul_B , @studiogamma , @hammy ,@lastchancename ,
Finally I got the ESP-8266 yesterday. I tested the component with the sample blink program and it worked fine. And then, I tried to connect with My wifi network and mobile hot spot amd the esp is shown in my mobile hotspot connected list. But when i tried hitting the IP of the esp-8266(displayed in mobile hot spot list) the site shows unreachable. Can somebody please advise me on this?
I’m unsure of the answer - but are you attempting to connect as a hotspot ( which I’m not surprised doesn’t work ) Or from a web browser on your phone ?, which I guess should work .
Can you ping it ok ?
Hi @hammy , I tried connecting the esp-8266, with my mobile hotspot because before this , I tried connecting the esp to my wifi which was not working. After connected with the hotspot(confirmed the connection using the list of connected devices in my mobile)I got the Ip of esp-8266 from the by viewing the details of my connected devices list on my mobile.and then I tried hitting the ip from my laptop chrome browser and got the site unavailability. This is what happened.Now, Do you want me to try connecting the wifi and esp-8266 one more time rather than connecting it to mobile hotspot?