Controlling humidifier based on sensor data

Hello, I have a need to turn on/off humidifier (which I already have) based on humidity inside a grow tent, also LED's and a fan. Where would I start? Maybe you know a guide that offers such functionality? I only have arduino micro now. (also both humidifier, fan and probably led's(haven't installed them yet) are going directly to electric socket)

Thank you very much! :o

Where would helpers start? Buying chrystall balls?

Start with a sensor that can read humidity. You will likely need relays to switch your fan and humidifier on too. Look for an opto-isolated relay board - there are loads.

Arduino NANO
screw terminal board for nano
BME280, get 2 (you are limited to 2 addresses at the beginner level)
NOT the BMP280, the BME has temperature, humidity and pressure, the BMP version does not
I suggest the 4 pin board for the I2C for simplicity.

Get a few DS18B20 waterproof with wires

or get a DHT11/22 that does temperature and humidity

get a relay module for each motor you want to control and an extra for the one you forgot.
DuPont wires, get a set of male/male and a set of female/female
get a plug in power supply of 2 amps in the voltage of the relay
some 10k resistors and some 1k resistors or a starter pack with a variety
wire cutters
soldering iron (simple one with a thermostat control on the handle is fine for simple work

the BME280 has lots of tutorials as does the DHT11/22
the DS18B20 has lots of tutorial

google Arduino humidity control and you will find the sketch does two things.

#1) measures the humidity

#2) controls the relay

regardless if you use the BME280 or DHT11, the control part will be the same.

Arduino NANO
screw terminal board for nano
BME280, get 2 (you are limited to 2 addresses at the beginner level)
NOT the BMP280, the BME has temperature, humidity and pressure, the BMP version does not
I suggest the 4 pin board for the I2C for simplicity.

Get a few DS18B20 waterproof with wires

or get a DHT11/22 that does temperature and humidity

get a relay module for each motor you want to control and an extra for the one you forgot.
DuPont wires, get a set of male/male and a set of female/female
get a plug in power supply of 2 amps in the voltage of the relay
some 10k resistors and some 1k resistors or a starter pack with a variety
wire cutters
soldering iron (simple one with a thermostat control on the handle is fine for simple work

the BME280 has lots of tutorials as does the DHT11/22
the DS18B20 has lots of tutorial

google Arduino humidity control and you will find the sketch does two things.

#1) measures the humidity

#2) controls the relay

regardless if you use the BME280 or DHT11, the control part will be the same.

Thank you very much!! Can I reach you if I get into difficulties?

Just keep on posting here.

Welcome to the Forum.

Can you please tell us your electronics, programming, arduino, hardware experience?

Thanks.. Tom... :slight_smile:

The most simple way might be to buy a Sonoff TH10 with the Sonoff TH Sensor Si7021.

Sonoff offers the AM2301 which is another name for the DHT-22. It's a toy. It tends to get stuck at 100% the moment you have that humidity (often enough in my climate). It's little brother the DHT-11 is rather useless, can't even handle >70% humidity.

No experience with the Si7021.

Welcome to the Forum.

Can you please tell us your electronics, programming, arduino, hardware experience?

Thanks.. Tom... :slight_smile:

Yeah, up until now I was mainly programming c++ like linked lists/queues/stacks/sorted lists (still student, xex) etc.. I have Arduino micro and played with it while controlling my mouse and keyboard. Hardware and electronics are weaker spot and don't have much info up until now honestly.

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