Controlling LED from a PC

Hi all, pretty new at this, been playing with arduino for a couple of weeks now, the arduino code seems pretty straight forward but trying to kill two birds with one stone here and also learn c++, would like to control the LED (switch on and off) on the arduino board from a pc via the usb port, anybody written a c++ windows application? If so what compiler was used and does anybody have the code? I haven’t done C++ programming in about 15 years.

Thank you in advance.

This can be a good place for you to start

I think I have the same problem too. I think Serial Communication is the best way. My post: Serial Communication through Eclipse C/C+= - Interfacing w/ Software on the Computer - Arduino Forum

You will need something like WinAVR:


You can also use Firmata to do that:

i did some in VB6, controling 16 channel relay.

If you want it, just ask, and i will give it to you, the vb6 files, the exe file, and arduino file.

and why not using an ethernet shield? and a online database?