I am controlling about 22 LEDs using 3 shift registers and an Arduino UNO, The Arduino UNO receives a string over serial messages from a Raspberry PI. This pi sends a string of either 1s or 0s that determine whether an LED is either on or off. The void loop in the Arduino IDE iterates through the string and based off of whether or not its a 1 or a 0, will then turn that corresponding LED on or off. 22 LEDs so the string has 22 1s or 0s. When everything is plugged in and connected it all works fine, till about after approximately 10 minutes. It seems to always be about 10 mins, all LEDS turn off. The Raspberry Pi is still sending out a string with 1s or 0s. But all the LEDS are still all off after 10 mins. I am confused as to what is causing this considering that it all works just fine till about 10 minutes in. I am wondering if there is a limit to the amount of serial data can be sent to the Arduino? and if so is there a way to clear it after each cycle so that way it can run indefinitely? I will post my code for both the Pi and the Uno below. Thank you for any information you can give me.
Pi code in Python3
def clear_lights(red_lightboard): ## Function for clearing all LEDS
red_lightboard.write(message.encode('utf-8')) # writes the serial message that turns all LEDS off
red_lightboard = serial.Serial('/dev/ttyACM0',115200, timeout=1) # Sets up serial comm with arduino uno using usb connection
red_lightboard.reset_input_buffer() # clears any data in the input buffer
while True:
clear_lights(red_lightboard) # clears lights on board
red_stop_pins=red_stops() # Calls the function that obtains the LED positions of the current train stops
Rlen = len(stop_pins.red)
Rstring = [0] * Rlen # Preallocates a variable that will be sent to the arduino
for i in range(0,len(red_stop_pins)): # If a train is stopped at the current stop, changes the value in the array from 0 to 1
Rstring[red_stop_pins[i]] = 1
R = ''.join(map(str,Rstring))
testLED = 'r' + R + '\n'
red_lightboard.write(testLED.encode('utf-8')) # message to arduino over serial
time.sleep(60) # Pauses for 60 seconds before sending another message
Arduino Uno code
#include <Shifty.h>
Shifty reg_red;
const int NUM_red_STATIONS = 22;
// setup the shift registers and begin serial transmission
void setup() {
reg_red.setPins(11, 12, 8);
// the loop function runs over and over again forever
void loop() {
// wait for a string to be send via serial,
// in the form of "r***...*", where * is either a "1" or "0"
while(Serial.available() > 0 ){
String str = Serial.readStringUntil('\n');
if (str.substring(0,1) == "r") {
for (int i = 1; i <= NUM_red_STATIONS; i++) {
if (str.substring(i, i+1) == "1") {
reg_red.writeBit((i - 1), HIGH);
else if (str.substring(i, i+1) == "0") {
reg_red.writeBit((i - 1), LOW);
void clear_lights() {
for (int i = 0; i < NUM_red_STATIONS; i++) {
reg_red.writeBit(i, LOW);