Controlling linear actuators

I'm trying to control a single linear actuator using an Arduino uno.
The control mechanism isn't a problem.

The problem is which is the best (cheapest) way to control actuator using the arduino.
-The actuator is 12 - 20V.
-With that high voltage, I need a way to use a different source of power.

  • I want vary the speed of the actuator (varying voltage)

I've been considering:

  1. Motor driver: LM324 (But I think 20V is way to high for this).
  2. Using a high voltage relay
  3. Pololu motor driver shield (Last resort. These are expensive.....)

I learning towards using a relay but is there a better way?

Hi, you will not be able to use a LM324 as it is just a quad opamp chip and it does not have the current capability that the actuator motor requires.

The relay will not give you direction or speed control.

A motor driver shield or board is your best bet as it will allow direction and speed control.

Can you post a link to your actuator data sheet and/or tell us the make, model and what voltage and current is needed to drive it.

Tom...... :slight_smile:

thanks for your reply!

Originally, I was going to use this one:
The actuator I have (took apart from a chair I found on the street) is the same as this one:
-The speed is very slow. It is very slow even at 30V,

so I'm going to use an actuator similar to this one.
The specifications:
Operating Voltage: 6.0-12 Volts DC
Operating Temp. Range: -26 to +65°C -14.8 to +149°F
Operating Speed (12V): 2.00” second at No load
Operating Speed (12V): 1.37” second at Max load
Dynamic Thrust (12V): 25 lbs. Thrust
Static Load: 500 lbs.
Current Drain (12V): 800ma operating No load
Current drain (12V): 3.8A operating full load
Current drain (12V): 15A at stall
(Warning: Damage can occur at stall)
Motor Type: 3 Pole Ferrite
Potentiometer: I0K
Gear Ratio: 5:1 Ratio
Gear Type: 4 Metal Gears
Connector Wire Length: 24"
Recommended Fuse: 5amp inline
IP Grade: IP 65 - total dust protection, water resistant
Duty Cycle: 25% (25% on, 75% off)
Housing Material: Zinc Alloy

See, I want to make an exoskelaton arm like everyone else.
I was going to use make it push down on a lever to make it contract and relax.

Do you know of any cheap motor drivers that could work for this? Preferably around 15 dollars.
I might consider a better one if I can find a job

This thread dove into using relays to move an actuator.
Minimal parts, minimal cost.

Thanks! That's exactly what I was looking for!
I'll try it and post any stumps I might run into.