I bought a small (DIY) CNC rail with a stepper motor (NEMA11), the stepper came with (i guess generic) a microstep driver DM320.
I've connected everything together and ran a simple sketch just to see if i have a response from the driver/stepper.
My question:
How to control the speed, ac/deceleration and position, do i need a special library for the DM320 driver or Arduino's built-in libraries will do?
Anyone has any experience with this type of driver (the DM320), or a similar setup?
Running steppers can be done from the sketch without sophisticated libraries but if You want to control accelerartion/deceleration look att AccelStepper library.
Have you set your DM320 up to match your motor's current requirements? Post a link to your motor datasheet or seller's webpage, need to know motor's specifications to set up your drive correctly.
Try Robin2's Simple stepper program. http://forum.arduino.cc/index.php?topic=277692.0
Have you set your DM320 up to match your motor's current requirements? Post a link to your motor datasheet or seller's webpage, need to know motor's specifications to set up your drive correctly.
Try Robin2's Simple stepper program. Simple Stepper Program - Motors, Mechanics, Power and CNC - Arduino Forum
Here is the link for the motor's specs.
Here is the link for the microstep driver, the only difference between this one (DM320T) and what i have (DM320) is an additional DIP switch (in total 7 and not 6 like on the DM320T).
This DIP switch splits in half or sends the full output current to the motor.
And wired DM320 up correctly?
Yes, I have the PUL (pulse) set to pin 13, DIR (Direction) set to pin 12 and common VCC +5V (the OPTO connection on the DM320T) to the 5V pin on the arduino.
From the motor side, red-blue wires connected to A+ and A- respectively, green-black connected to B+ and B- respectively.
The Arduino is connected to the PC and the driver to a 4 channel DC power supply.
Now I'm looking for a sketch/library that will allow me to control the speed, acceleration and # of steps.