controlling servomoteur using a touch screen

I dont know how to make a program for a resistive touch screen which control 2 servomoteur using a arduino uno and the stmpe610 or the ar1100. I want to create this robot but i dont know how to create the software. Arduino-Controlled Drawing Robot - Make:
thx for helping me

I wonder if this is your first Arduino project?

If so what you are trying is like taking your first swimming lesson in the middle of the Atlantic ocean.

Creating a computer program is not at all like building (for example) a plastic model airplane kit - even a complex kit. It is more like writing an essay given a box of letters.

Every complex computer program is actually a collection of pieces that work together. So start by learning to do little parts of your project - for example get results from the touch screen and show the result in the Serial Monitor. Separately write a short program to learn how to control servos. When you can master all the necessary parts it will be time to build them into a composite project.

Have a look at Planning and Implementing a Program

There are many example programs with the Arduino IDE that probably cover a lot of the techniques you need. And there are many online tutorials.


Creating a computer program is not at all like building (for example) a plastic model airplane kit - even a complex kit.

Sure it is. You create one component at a time, such as putting together the pieces that make up a wheel. That, to me, corresponds to writing a function that does something simple. You assemble the individual pieces, in the right order, to make a complete project, just like you assemble the functions, calling them in the right order, to make a complete program.

What you don't do is decide to take up model building by buying all the individual pieces that make up a full sized 747 and assume that you'll be flying later this afternoon. THAT is what OP seems to think he/she is going to do.

Sure it is. You create one component at a time, such as putting together the pieces that make up a wheel.

I don't agree. And the reason I used that analogy is because I was watching someone assembling a model recently that required very precise positioning (quite a challenge unless you were very meticulous) and later we discused an Arduino project that I had with me. It was very clear to me that that person envisaged programming as conceptually the same as assembling his model ("how did you know to put that there?" etc). I have no reason to think this person is any less intelligent than I am - he just had never been exposed to computer programming.

With an Arduino you are not given a bunch of parts that makes into a model of a 747. All you get is the "alphabet" from which the instructions for the model 747 must be written. You get nothing that is, for example, the equivalent of a landing wheel or a windscreen.

You can talk about "create one component at a time" because you have already learned how to make components and have learned the sort of components that are required.


You get nothing that is, for example, the equivalent of a landing wheel or a windscreen.

Well, I guess I consider Serial and analogRead() and other things as being equivalent, but I guess that it is just different perspectives.

Well, I guess I consider Serial and analogRead() and other things as being equivalent,

I can see that. But, to continue the model airplane analogy, there will be a little axle onto which to fit the wheel or a little hole into which to fit the undercarriage leg. There is no equivalently obvious place where you fit Serial (for example). Even when parts are available, the programmer must conceive of the need for the place where the part has to go.
