Controlling Servos with Arduino Uno R3

I'm trying to control a single RIPMAX New Power XLD-9HMB servo using the servo library's sweep example. My problem is, when the servo is connected it basically just spazzes out and doesn't seem to be controllable at all. I've tried it with a few different servos (same model) and they all react the same, leading me to believe they're not faulty, simply configured incorrectly.

So basically I'd like to know how exactly I calculate my timings and delays etc. to get these servos working properly. I can't find any sort of data sheet online, and I don't think I'd understand much of it if I could in all honesty. The only thing I could find was on a store page for the servo, which simply specified 'Pulse Cycle 20±2ms, Positive Pulse 1~2ms'.

Could anyone help me to understand this?

This is all the information I could find,

The 20ms period with 1-2ms pulse is normal,

How is the servo powered ?
The 5V pin of the Arduino is not able to supply the current for the servo.
Use a power supply (between 4.8V and 6.0V) to power the servos.

They were powered by a 6.0v battery pack, but I think I resolved the issue now anyway. Seemed to be down to a faulty servo microcontroller chip I bought, decided to buy a dedicated shield instead.

Good to know that you found the problem.
The Arduino itself is very well capable to provide the signals for the servo motors.