Hello, everyone. I will try my best to make this as detailed as possible. So, my project is to control four solenoid valves with an arduino uno R3. I would also like to control these with a phone using an hc-05 and MIT app inventor. Ideally, I want to have 6 modes on my phone, provided in the pic below and say I select mode A, this will only actuate valves 1 and 2. Every combination is different depending on the mode (e.g. mode C is valve 1 only etc.) Below I have provided a picture of the solenoid valve and the connector is a DIN43650-A (which im confused on the most, how would i wire this to an arduino) . I am also using a 12 volt battery for this project. Now, i have a rough idea on how to go about this but I would like to make sure I am doing this correctly or if anyone has any better approaches. I've found a post on a project similar only using one valve however it isn't connnected with a DIN43650-A, so i don't understand that part. I have provided a pciture below of the project I was referencing. Is it possible to connect these DIN43650-A to an arduino? if so, is it necessary to put a flyback diode like in the picture below.
So, overall. I have 4 solenoids, 6 modes. I want to code it to send a digital signal depending on whatever mode is selected on my phone but the part that confuses me is actually wiring it up together with the arduino and my transistor and diode. also is a 12 volt battery 7ah enough to do these functions. It wouldnt be running for very long, maybe 20 minutes max. and I would have a spare battery to exchange it with (12v 7ah).
if anyone can give me guidance it would be greatly apprecaited.
You will need to match the power requirements to the solonoid requirements. Note, 12 Volts probably should not be used with the Uno's barrel-jack. The +12 is at the max top-end of the Arduino's regulator input... +9 is considered nominal.
Being detailed is good, if it's done the proper way. Lots of words is not.
Links to datasheets providing technical information, real schematics instead of toy pictures. What transistor, what's base, emitter etc.
Everybody knows an UNO us blue, or a knock off, green. The shape of the controller in a picture adds no wanted information.
How do you intend to know if a solenoid actually did as commanded of it was already triggered at the time you told it to trigger? Does your phone know if the solenoids even have power?
Welcome! Take your time, it will become more understandable as you progress. Electronics and programming are like two separate languages that you will need to learns parts of. There are many tutorial on line to check out. A good book (paper back) is the Arduino cookbook, there are several versions, each better then its predecessor. There is a lot of great help on this Forum and they want to help. Good luck and most important have fun!
It never ends! Once you understand some electronics and programming and logic, you can actually design some control systems and make them work. That is where the real fun begins!