Controlling Stepper motor with 24V signals

Hello good day.
I'm using the follwing components:

-Motor driver:

-Stepper Motor: (2 A)

The signals I'm generating are 24V. The motor turns correclty, but it vibrates a lot which in my understanding it means there's something wrong with the current.

I've tried to put 2k resistors in the signals as suggested by the documentation, but other providers documentation don't mention nothing about it and says it can just be used with 24V signal. It still has the same problem.

At first I thought it was because the power source I was using was a regulated one, which is usually not recommended:
However, unregulated power supplies
are preferred due to their ability to withstand current surge.If regulated power supplies (such as most switching supplies.) are indeed used, it is important to have large current output rating to avoid problems like current clamp, for example using 4A supply for 3A motor-driver operation...

It wasn't the case. I switched to a unregulated power supply ( 24V, 2.3A) and I still get the jittering.

Is there the anything else I can try to debug the problem?
May a bad signal cause this vibrations?


What do you mean by vibration? Steppers are normally noisy as they move but shouldn't be when stationary.

When stationary is not noisy unless you put you listen carefully, but when stepping , the motor shakes a lot, misses some steps (at not very high velocity), doesn't step counterclockwise. Compared to other stepper motors controlled by 5v signals, it doesn't run very smooth.
This happened to me when I was learning stepper motors(I still am) and the main problem was the power source.

Most probably it's the sound from the current limitation of the power supply or driver.

In steady state the coils will draw 12A (each) from a 24V supply, reduced only by current limiting provisions. If then you don't hear much noise then the driver current limiting seems to be okay and the sound is caused by the PSU limiter. Try a lower voltage PSU for verification.

What microstepping ratio have you set and how fast are you trying to step? Some of the other symptoms might be caused by the relative timing of step and direction pulses being wrong. Can you post your code?

Which controller are You using?
What current is the TB6600 set to?
What is "24 volt signals"? Step and dir?
To me ut looks like this stepper and this driver is not a good combination.

No microstepping, full steps.

In arduino with similar drivers , the time between HIGH and LOW to generate a pulse has to be greater than 5us, and the time between steps about 500-1000 us. I've tried these times and the motor doesn't even move.

Currently the times I have set are the following:

// loop 10 times


It works with slower times like this, but it moves very slow.


Step dir and enable.

I think you might be right, this is the controller:
Datasheet_RevPi_DIO.pdf (338.7 KB)

Arduinos won't do it for me, the working conditions are rough and by previous experiences they tend to overheat and block themselves. Do you know of other alternatives?

Will try when I get my hands in one.

The stepper You use should have a 6 volt power supply and a H- bridge. TB6600 works the best witl low resistance coil steppers, say 0.1, 0.2 Ohm coils.[quote="domenecs, post:8, topic:1145135, full:true"]


Step dir and enable.

I think you might be right, this is the controller:
Datasheet_RevPi_DIO.pdf (338.7 KB)

Arduinos won't do it for me, the working conditions are rough and by previous experiences they tend to overheat and block themselves. Do you know of other alternatives?

Okey, industrial grade controller.
The TB6600 works better with none hybrid steppers having a coil resistance of some 0.1, 0.2 Ohm. Your stepper has 2 Ohm.
I suggest a 6 volt power supply and a H- bridge for that stepper. Or change the stepper.

If your control signals are 24V, then the 2K resistors are mandatory. Applying a 24V signal to the driver without the resistor may have damaged the driver.

Why don't you try an Arduino first, to prove and get the stepper controller and stepper performing properly?

Tom.. :smiley: :+1: :coffee: :australia:

I did, I am now replacing the arduinos with something more robust.

Did it work properly with the Arduino controlling it?

Thanks.. Tom.. :smiley: :+1: :coffee: :australia:

I changed the stepper to 42BYGHY48, similar results. I am now trying to read with an oscyloscope the pulse width and time between pulses to see if the times are correct.

Some of the documentation don't even mention the 2k resistors:
TB6600 Stepper Motor Driver.pdf (434.2 KB)
That's why I tried with and without the resistors. Same result.

So which do you have, the Sorotec model or the DFrobot model?

From the DFrobot user manual
"If the power supply is more than +5V, the current limiting resistor R must be added externally."

Re the TB6600 and input signal levels. Is it specified for 24 volt? Else it might be damaged by now.
What is the brand of the power supply? I experinced trouble with 24 volt and changed 12 volt, and it works perfectly. Both supplies came from China, likely Ebay.
The puls rate ought to be set somewhere, by switches or in the code.

Not sure , I was under the impression they were distributors, they did not made the drivers.

Which documentation are you reading? The one I found doesn't mention anything about it.

The driver is damaged, tested it with the arduinos and it didin't work properly.

Just so I don't break more things , I just need to connect resistors in series from the 24V to the signal of the driver, correct?