Hi jremington
Is it real only what needs to be done?
I'm also really new in the use Arduino
I've tried many codes eksemple from Ardino, they were all very complicated.
If you want to set the time, date or alarm times on the DS3231, use the appropriate library routine. None of that information is floating point, just single bytes of data.
In the C language you can use "casting" to convert data types. For example, "(float) x" changes x of any data type to a float. In the Arduino language, you can use "float( x)" to convert any data type to a float. There is a built in function float() that does this. Some think that the Arduino language is C. It is not.
Hi charlie sixpack
Many, many thanks for you explanation.
Will try to work with yor suggestions!
I am very new to Arduino and can see that can be done many projects.
I just want to try to learn how to use Arduino to my projects.