Integration of cloud sketches into Arduino IDE is poor. It seems like customers should do everything in the cloud. So the toolchain feels like a one-way road: I can push sketches from my local sketchbook to the Cloud. In the web editor there is a huge invitation to import sketches "to access them from any device". (Thank you guys, I already set up my sync solution with a cloud storage provider in combination with a customized sketchbook location in Arduino IDE.)
But what about other way around? What if I prefer local storage for privacy reasons? I'm able to push/pull between local storage of the "Remote Sketchbook" (so named in the filesystem) / "Cloud Sketchbook" (so called in Arduino IDE) and the real cloud storage. Thats already poor, because there is no information about modification dates or conflicts - just overwrite.
When it comes to moving cloud sketches to local sketchbook, it's cumbersome. I have to manually move the sketch folder in the filesystem, because there is no button/option to copy or move a remote stored or locally pulled sketch into my local sketchbook. In doing so I would expect the local storage of the Cloud Sketchbook also been affected by my customized directory, very close to the local sketchbook and libraries. What is the reason to leave this in "C:\Users\somtimesunhappycustomer\AppData\Local\Arduino15\RemoteSketchbook\ArduinoCloud" when I have a customized path to the local sketchbook?