Convert pwm to dc voltage


I have a small radio receiver and it outputs PWM signal for all channels. The pwm signal has a very low duty cycle, it's exactly like a servo/esc PWM: the signal goes from 0.5 to 2.5 ms every 20ms. That's a very common PWM signal but I dont know how its called.

With this signal, I need to turn on a MOSFET that will turn on a motor: if it's below 0.5ms the motor should be off, from 0.5 to 2.5 ms it should apply an increasing voltage and anything over 2.5ms should be 100% on.

With arduino this would be pretty easy, but I am wondering if there is a circuit or anything I can use to control the mosfet from this specific PWM signal?

I have a small radio receiver

Sounds like an RC receiver, and the signal IS a servo signal. This library decodes it.

Or this: How to read RC receiver signal with Arduino | by Ricardo Paiva | Medium

I would like to do that without arduino.

Then why post on an Arduino forum?

Also what has this got to do with Emergency Response: Covid-19 Projects?

Moved to the General Electroics section,


It is a form of PWM but RC servos use PPM

In which case you can use the Arduino Servo function

This product would convert Servo-PWM to an analog voltage (0-5V or 0-10V), but you wouldn't use this with a MOSFET to control a motor (0 - 100%).

This product converts:

  • Analog voltage signal to PPM signals
  • PPM signal to Analog voltage signals
  • PPM signal to PWM signal

... but what's missing in their description is servo PWM to full PWM (0 - 100%), which I think is what you require. It might work with PPM to PWM, but not enough info on your receiver or motor control application.

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