Convert sketch from DHT-22 support to One Wire support


Can anyone please help me change this code from DHT-22 sensor to one wire sensor either TMP36 Sensor or DS18B20 Sensor

Temperature and humidity sensor / sender

Uses a DHT series temperature and humidity sensor and an ASK RF transmitter

Requires the following Arduino libraries to be installed in the libraries directory:


#include <DHT.h>
#include <WT450Sender.h>

// set up the hardware pins
byte sensorPin = 3; // digital pin for DHT sensor
byte txPin = 4; // digital pin for RF transmitter
byte ledPin = 13; // digital pin for LED

// define our desired house and channel codes
byte houseCode = 15; // from 1 to 15
byte channelCode = 4; // from 1 to 4

DHT sensor; // create the sensor object
WT450Sender sender; // create the sender object

void setup()
sender.setup(txPin, houseCode, channelCode);

pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT);

Serial.println("Temperature and Humidity Sender");

void loop()
delay(20000); // send every 20 seconds
double t = sensor.getTemperature();
double h = sensor.getHumidity();

// output readings to the serial monitor
Serial.print("C ");

sender.send(h, t); // send the sensor readings

blinkLed(); // flash the led

void blinkLed()
digitalWrite(ledPin, HIGH);
digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW);


Can anyone please help me change this code from DHT-22 sensor to one wire sensor either TMP36 Sensor or DS18B20 Sensor

That really should be trivial. Some part of the code gets the temperature. Some part of the code does something with the temperature.

Put the part of the code that gets the temperature in a function. Then, you can easily change that function to get data from a different kind of sensor.

Using the temperature then would not change.