I am a newbie and would like to get some guidance on how to proceed with a project that I'd like to pursue.
I have a Bogart Engineering TM-2030A Battery Monitor. It has a phone jack connector J2 that allows one to pickup on real time data of constantly repeating ASCII data stream at 2400 baud, 8N1, from pin 4 of that connector.
A link to Bogart Engineering pdf explaining what data is available and how to access it:
I would like to read in this streaming data to my Arduino Uno and on back to my computer to veiw in Serial Monitor for starters. Eventually I'd like to stream this data into Excel in real time so that I can analyze it, plot it, etc.
One of the pieces of data that is output is Battery % of charge, that the TM-2030 calculates. I will use this value to create a window comparator to trigger an external relay to switch back to Grid power when the battery % of charge goes below a Low set point, then switch back again to Inverter power when the battery % once again returns to a higher set point.
I did a test using the Digital Button sketch:
I replaced the button switch with the interface circuit suggested by Bogart Engineering. It worked, and I got 0's and 1's down column 1 of the Serial Monitor. So it works, but I'm not sure what kind of sketch to use to actually get text to be captured with the Serial Monitor.
I would like a little guidance.