Converting a particular sound to light


I'm not sure about the feasibility of this but we currently have a problem with our bathroom since it's only one stall and people don't know whether it's in use or not. The only way they know is if they try to open the door and it's locked.

I was thinking about making an LED light or display board show the color 'Green' for open and 'Red' for in use. In a perfect world, the light would change colors based on the sound of the lock switching from lock to unlock - but not sure if this is really feasible.

I cannot make any modifications to the lock itself or install anything into the door. I was wondering if there was a better way to do this or what would be the best thing to check out.

Thank you all so much!

Interesting problem. If you cannot modify the door or put anything on it, where would you put the microphone, amplifier, Arduino and power for them?


Off the wall concept: Mount the circuitry in a box attached to a strap which goes over the door - think those decorative type things for hanging wreaths and such from doors. Mount on the box a microswitch with a lever arm actuated by the lintel. Aim an infrared receiver into the stall (run the wires over the top of the door alongside the strap) to detect the presence of a non-hibernating mammal. Turn on a bicolor LED on the outside to indicate occupancy.

Hey, it might even work.

Piece of card hanging off a drawing pin on the outside , with “occupied” on one side and “ vacant “ on the other . You turn the card when you go in and back when you go out again.

The problem with a sound system is if it gets out of sync because of some other noise.

A properly aimed distance sensor (IR or ultrasound) would definitely work to detect whether there's someone in the toilet or not.

If you can't build it into the door, just attach it onto the door. Or the wall.

The only way they know is if they try to open the door and it's locked.

Back in the old days when we weren't so self centered and didn't mind communicating with others, we'd just knock. If it was occupied you'd hear a voice from inside. If not then go on in. That system worked GREAT for hundreds of years. Now, people need an electronic device to check for them so they don't have to engage with another human being. That's just sad to me.

We usually keep the door open. So a closed bathroom door means it's occupied. Can be seen from a distance as well (which is what OP seems to be after: not having to walk there to check).