Converting a string to a number, string can be a HEX, BIN or DEC value


The problem I'm facing is that the user has to input a value trough the serial monitor.
This would be easy if it were only a decimal number they may input.
But they can use a HEX, BIN or DEC value as input.
They would be defined by the commonly used 0x for hex, 0b for bin and nothing for decimal.
After a lot of attempts I came here to ask for some advice, the code you find under here is one of the many attempts (that obviously failed).

Thank you in advanced for helping me.

      if(data.charAt(0) == ("0")) {
         if(data.charAt(1) == ('b')) {
           data.remove(0, 2);
           I2C_data[n] = (byte) strtol(data, NULL, 2);
         else if(data.charAt(1) == ('x')) {
           data.remove(0, 2);
           I2C_data[n] = (byte) strtol(data, NULL, 16);
       else {
         I2C_data[n] = (byte) data.toInt();

strtol() handles decimal, hex, and octal, for binary you have to help it a bit.

long getValue(const char* from) {
  long value = 0;
  Serial.print(F("conversion of '"));
  Serial.print(F("' gives "));
  if (from[0] == '0' && (from[1] == 'b' || from[1] == 'B')) {
    value = strtol(from + 2, nullptr, 2);
  } else {
    value = strtol(from, nullptr, 0);
  return value;
void setup() {
void loop() {}
conversion of '129' gives 129
conversion of '0x81' gives 129
conversion of '0201' gives 129
conversion of '0b10000001' gives 129

Thank you!
This fixed everything.