Converting a string to binary

I'm trying to create a binary representation of a string of characters but could only print them using serial.print(arr,BIN);

Is there a way to save the binary values of each char of the string to an array or a long number?

I used this code trying to create an array but couldn't make it work:

void loop() {

String Message = "Hello World";
int l = Message.length();
int BinMessage[l];

for (int j=0; Message[j] != NULL; j++){
BinMessage[j] = String(Message[j], BIN);

There are only binary values held in the computer.
What is it you're trying to do?

I think there's a stringAt or charAt or something (I don't use String) that may be worth a look for you.

Is there a way to save the binary values of each char of the string to an array or a long number?

Use this to store your message in a char array:

char Message[] = "Hello World";

Message[0] is then 'H'
Message[1] is then 'e'
Message[2] is then 'l'
and so on.

This might help you see it:

void setup() {


  char message[] = "Hello World";         
  int i = 0;

  while (message[i]) {
    Serial.print("  = ");
    Serial.println(message[i++], BIN);;  


void loop() {
