Nonsense. Unless you've changed the code and didn't post the changed code.
Snippets don't cut it here. We need to see ALL of your code, so that we can see if if(description == "TTP") is legitimate. If description is a string, it is not. If description is a String, it is, but you should be ashamed of yourself for using Strings.
If using strings is "wrong" how do I read a file from SDCARD that contains a configuration file where the descriptions for each configuration is a string, and the configuration item may also be a string??
A leaner confused by simple syntax errors such as use of capitalisation (coming from other languages where it is NOT so finiky) is given this kind of "welcome" -no wonder people just give up.
Kind of defeats the whole purpose of community doesnt it????
A leaner confused by simple syntax errors such as use of capitalisation (coming from other languages where it is NOT so finiky) is given this kind of "welcome" -no wonder people just give up.
Kind of defeats the whole purpose of community doesnt it????
just keep trying, there are people here to help.
I am in China right now, so i invented a Confucianism for you.
Confucius Bulldog says: " A gold nugget covered in dog poop is still a gold nugget"
@Stocky: Paul has almost 50 thousand posts garnering over six hundred karma points...he's kinda earned the right to get a little miffed when someone doesn't read what he has to say carefully. You chose to post on this Forum where the language d'jour is finicky about capitalization. You should be happy that Paul tried to help and, as Bulldog pointed out, accept the fact that you're the one asking for help and Paul is one of the sharper knives in this drawer and usually has something worthwhile to say.
Thanks guys - and apologies to Paul - no sleep and the flu makes me grumpy. But also a gentle nudge in the right direction goes further than a crack across the back of the head......
The capitalisation things keeps catching me out and drives me nuts! Seriously I had to re-read Pauls post a few times to see the difference in what he wrote The human brain works against you sometimes.
I'll try harder next time - and spend two hours making the rest of my code postable so I dont just post a snippet
On the other hand I think the behavior of PaulS toward new forum members is becoming an increasing forum embarrassment to me and maybe other members of the forum. Sad.