Converting analog signal measured at arduino to RS 485 signal.

Hello, guys.

Recently, i tried to read analog singal in 485 master device by converting a measured analog signal data (4-20mA or 0-5V) in arduino UNO to RS 485 signal.

*I wanted to use specific sensors which are not sensor can send RS 485 signal.

So, i searched how could i solve it.

I heard that, because arduino have serial comunication function or port; RX and TX, i can send data measured in arduino board to my master device (In this case, i'm using raspberry PI) by using TTL to RS 485 converter (like MAX 485). But, here is the problem. I knew that reading the data by using RS 485 communication needs slave address(or ID).

1-1. In this case, should i put slave address in arduino board?

1-2. If that is right, How can i put a sentence "This data was measured data in slave address 'X'."

1-3. If that is right, is putting slave address only difference in coding arduino measuring analog signal?

  1. Do you guys have easy examples i can refer to? I search several hours, but there are only example related about "How can we read RS 485 data in arduino" not "How can we change measured analog data in arduino to RS 485"

  2. In a nutshell, i just put slave address to arduino measuring analog data. Then convert TTL to 485. Is it right? like the picture i posted.

If my questions are too broad to answer, please just post example link.

Thank you!

  • Be careful guys!

Dunno what slave address you are talking about, this seems to be a RasPi issue. On the Arduino side use Serial.print() for sending whatever text.