First, I am really sorry if my question already have been asked. I searched any topic resemblance, and nothing poped out.
Here is a fast presentation of my project : I am currently using a MEGA 2560 R3 to control 64 servomotors. Those servomotors, as many, are taking one 5V, one GNG and a PWM command.
If I am disabling AC/DC converter, I will then have 70 I/O pins for my purpose. Only 14 of them are made for PWM.
My question : is there any way I could use 14 PWM pins and 50 general I/O as PWM output? Can I convert general digital output as PWM output?
You can "manually" program the timing of an output pulse to create you own PWM, but I have a BAD FEELING about so many output pins.... Your program loop takes some time to exeute, so the more your program does, and the more outputs you try to control, the bigger your timiing errors.
Those servomotors, as many, are taking one 5V, one GND and a PWM command.
A "normal" servo controller doesn't exactly use PWM... But, it does need accurate timing.