Converting millis to seconds with decimal value

Hi Guys, I have problem in converting and displaying millis into seconds with decimal value. when I divide millis by 1000 I get a round figure value. Even when I use ((value)/1000,2) also some random value will be displayed. I'm new to Arduino. Can anyone please help.

:slight_smile: :slight_smile: I Got it !! Stupid me :confused:

Serial.println((timeHold)/1000.0, 2);

lcd.print((timeHold)/1000.0, 2);

Thats all !! :sunglasses:

That still isn't correct...

millis() returns an unsigned int.

integer division results in an integer.

void setup() 

void loop()
  uint32_t currentMillis = millis();
  uint32_t seconds = currentMillis / 1000;
  int milliseconds = currentMillis % 1000;
  if (milliseconds < 100)
  if (milliseconds < 10)

That still isn't correct...

millis() returns an unsigned int.

sp. "unsigned long"

sp. "unsigned long"

ok, unsigned long int

No, just "unsigned long". 0x00000000 to 0xffffffff
No int at all. 0x0000 to 0xffff.

Bit of a difference.

unsigned long int is OK, but it's a bit tautological.

No, just "unsigned long". 0x00000000 to 0xffffffff
No int at all. 0x0000 to 0xffff.

Bit of a difference.

this is a text sentence:

millis() returns an unsigned int.

this is code:

uint32_t currentMillis = millis();

Bit of a difference.

What's the "_t" for?


:roll_eyes: Didnt understood a bit!! Well Im so much new to this that someone has to explain me in detail.
Attached is the full sketch. It is working fine. I need to write COUNT and TIMEHOLD to a SD card. Can someone do it for me?

LCD_Counter_Working_2_with_Serial_Print_I2C_Interface_time_Deci.ino (3.61 KB)

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Done 8)

Guys! any solution ??

Does the code you give in reply #1 not work?

You said it was "Done 8)" so we stopped looking.

If there is still some help you need post your code (correctly in </> code tags) and say exactly what you need help with.


Code is working but I need to write the number of cycle and time hold to a sd card. can anyone update it for me please.

Code is working

What code? You seem to not understand the need to POST YOUR CODE every time you have questions about it.

but I need to write the number of cycle and time hold to a sd card

What have you tried? What happened?

can anyone update it for me please.

For the right price, yes. Helping you do it is free.

I got it . Anyway thanks