void setup() {
void loop()
String inputString;
inputString = "01:36:59 $GNGGA,013659.00,3402.77961,N,11750.73009,W,1,10,1.87,222.2,M,-32.3,M,,*7C";
int index1 = inputString.indexOf(",N"); // Find the index of "N"
int index2 = inputString.indexOf(",W"); // Find the index of "W"
// Extract the latitude value and convert it to a float
String latString = inputString.substring(index1-10, index1);
float latitude = latString.toFloat();
// Extract the longitude value and convert it to a float
String lonString = inputString.substring(index2-11, index2);
float longitude = lonString.toFloat();
// Print the latitude and longitude values
Serial.println(latitude, 5);
Serial.println(longitude, 5);
In theory this code should parse through the string and extract the values before the N and W which are latitude and longitude values. However when converting the string to a float using toFloat() it changes the last two decimals places. I checked to see if I was parsing through the string correctly by printing the strings individually, so I'm kinda lost as to why the value changes when it gets converted.